I alway knew that I wanted to be a teacher. When I was younger I would watch my mother as she homeschooled my siblings and I. I would see how excited she would get during a lesson and how dedicated she was in making sure that we were receiving a great education. The answer to “How I Got Started,” is because of my mother. Little did I know that my mother was demonstrating the 4 key components in teaching that I try to display each and everyday both inside and outside of the classroom.

Often times my mother would incorporate games into our learning. She would take us on learning adventures (field trips). Our science lessons were hands on and our reading would have any student eating out the palm of her hands. That drive that my mother has inside of her and the passion have never left me.
I’m Striving To…
As I teach in my classroom, I can’t help but to exhibit the same type of education that was given to me. In my classroom, I want to be the teacher who reaches encourages, motivates, corrects, supports, and loves her students. I want my students no matter race or sex, to know that I’ve got their back and I am their advocate and will fight for them. my students should know that I am cheering for them, I won’t give up on them, and they shouldn’t give up on themselves either. I want to be the one who finds the solutions to the problems that they may encounter both in a lesson or even in their own life, because, let’s be for real, we all know that teaching is more than just a math or social studies lesson.
14 Years In The Classroom
This upcoming year will be my 14th year in the classroom. Now you may be saying, “well 14 years isn’t that long Khrystina.” Well it really isn’t but then again it is!!
Let’s break down what 14 years “somewhat” looks like.
- 14 years of early morning and late evening departures and dismissals
- 14 years of playing counselor and psychologist
- 14 years of playing police officer and detective
- 14 years of playing therapist
- 14 years of being a confidant to my kiddos because When they hurt, I hurt.
- 14 years of playing banker. “Ok, does anyone have anymore field trip money?”… only to find out that Johnny’s had his field trip money in the bottom of his book bag for TWO MONTHS!
- 14 years of being a librarian
- 14 years of being a psychic… “Ok Karis, I am guessing that…”
- 14 years of being a custodian. I can’t even begin to describe to you the nasty scenes I’ve witnessed with sick students. O.M.G… OOO…MMM…GGG…
- 14 years of playing photographer
- 14 years of being a mother and a father. When I tell you I have the “look“; I have the “look“. I swear! I even won an award one year for having that “look.”
- 14 years of being a doctor. Rubbing the backs of sick students and watching / walking with them through many illnesses both minor and life threatening.
- 14 years of being a politician and a dietitian.
- 14 years of being a stand up comedian, MC, and a true act if I do say so myself.
I know for a fact had it not been for my classroom management, I definitely would not be half the teacher that I am today. Having great classroom management is key to the success of any classroom environment, whether that be in the classroom itself or through distance/e-learning.
My Passion In Teaching
Ok. So here are the 4 key components to teaching. These are my passions in teaching:
- Classroom Management
- Classroom Communication (both with students and parents)
- Classroom Organization &
- Classroom Discipline
I am passionate about changing the learning environment and making it something simply amazing for my students. What I’ve learned during COVID (and we won’t really go all the way there), is that my passion doesn’t just turn on or off due to the environment. Despite COVID I was still able to use those same passions.
I want my students to know that I love them and want the best for them. want to truly be their biggest cheerleader! I want my students to know that I am that advocate and will go to the ends of the earth for them. My students should know that their teacher has their back, no matter what.
None of these things can happen though unless these four main areas are addressed and are implemented within the classroom or outside of the classroom.
Love First, Teach Second

I want to go ahead and tell you just a little bit about my 4 passions, but I’d like to preface this by stating the following:
You can have the best classroom management, communication, organization, and discipline system in the world, but if your students don’t feel like you care or support them, You will never have a self-sufficient classroom. All four of these components play hand in hand and care must come first. My classroom motto is “Love First, Teach Second”.
Letting My Passion Do The Talking
OK! Now let’s briefly go ahead and talk about all 4 key components of teaching and why they are truly my passions.
Classroom Management: This is my baby. I want to preference what I am about to say by first stating that my intentions are not to come across as boastful or arrogant because this truly is my baby. The thing that I enjoy the most about being in the classroom is having the ability to create systems and processes and then implement them.
My favorite thing about the start of the new school year is to set up our classroom environment. I enjoy getting together our class schedule (although let’s be honest, we don’t really get a solid schedule until mid September), routines, procedures, and expectations. I enjoy introducing these classroom expectations to my students because I know that the sooner we understand them, the easier the year will become.
Every single year I have teachers ask me, what it is that I do in my classroom because they can tell the difference between my class and the class across the hall. Again, I do not want to come across as arrogant because I am honestly sharing my personal experience. I know that I get my classroom management skills from my #1 teacher, my mother. I know that having a great classroom management plan is vital to the success of our school year. I don’t have a magic wand. Having great classroom management is hard work, but definitely pays off in the end.
Now you may be asking me, why I enjoy this so much. Well, that would be a great question. Most teachers don’t find this part to be the fun part. I find it to be the most enjoyable part of the year because without having a good grasp on classroom management, and implementing this in the beginning of the school year, I know that the entire school year will be miserable. I am all about working hard in the beginning of the school year, so that by November or December at the latest, my classroom can run self-sufficiently.
Classroom Discipline: In order to truly have a self-sufficient classroom you have to have a great discipline and reward plan. It never fails. Teachers who go into the school year without having established a strong classroom discipline plan set themselves up to have a rough 180 days. Students need structure and they need to know what is allowed and what isn’t allowed. Getting to know our students and earning their trust as early as we can, will help your classroom discipline plan tremendously!
Classroom Communication: In my classroom this pertains to not only my students, but also to their parents. Building a strong foundation with parents, and having clear communication between students and parents is very important. There are a variety of ways that you can have communication in your classroom and there are many apps that make this so much easier than when I initially began teaching.

I LOVE using the REMIND app to communicate with parents on a daily basis. With the REMIND app I’m able to let parents have a view into our classroom without actually being in the classroom. This isn’t my only form of communication I use with parents but it is a major one. Since I teach elementary, I also use behavior calendars and these also work so well.
With the behavior calendar I can easily let parent’s know how their child’s day was. I can leave a comment, and parents can also leave me a comment. I will create another blog post soon that will go into detail about my behavior calendars and how they work on a daily basis in my classroom.
Classroom Organization: Organization definitely helps to cut down on potential problems and potential time wasting. We all know as educators that we do not have time to lose not even a minute. Every second in the classroom is so important. Now, being organized is not only in reference to your students supplies, belongings, or other classroom items; but also covers your own supplies as well.
I can’t tell you the amount of times a coworker has come into my classroom to ask me about a form, a resource, or other item that they may need, and I am readily able to get it to them. Being organized definitely helps to lesson the stress and frustration of trying to find something important. I do know though that being organized does not come easy to everyone and will take lots of hard work. I am very organized, but always feel that I can do a lot better.
Bringing The 4 Key Components of Teaching Together
We’ve just finished distance learning and I know that everyone is ready for a break. As we close this chapter, teachers from all over are beginning to prepare and think about the following year. Will we be going back? Will we continue with distance learning? What will the new year look like?
Regardless of having answers to these questions or not, any classroom that wants to thrive and be self-sufficient must have these four components as the foundation to any potential classroom that one may hope to build. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I’ve needed these four components both inside of my actual classroom as well as inside of my home office / new classroom). How are you incorporating these components within your classroom?