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Get Focused!

As a teacher and a teacherpreneur during this COVID-19 pandemic, it has been so hard for me to get focused!

I’ve been able to relax just a little bit more now that I am teaching from home but now I am finding that my relaxing is turning into a bit of a problem. Ha! Not a bad problem but just a tiny problem.

I began to feel that I needed to get on a schedule or some kind of routine to get me going and keep me focused. I decide to create a checklist for myself in which I broke things down into four categories.

  • Home
  • Work
  • Teacherpreneur Work
  • Physical

Within each of these four categories, I wrote down one thing that I would focus on for that day. So as an example this is what my Monday looks like:

  • Home- laundry
  • Work- Create Videos/Lessons for Google Classroom
  • Teacherpreneur Work- Work on continued rebranding & Shopify
  • Physical- go for a walk (social distancing of course) with my sister

This past week was the first time that I began to follow this checklist and let me tell you, it has been absolutely amazing!

I feel more focused and accomplished by the end of the day!

If you are feeling a bit thrown off from your normal schedule I am encouraging you to create a checklist or schedule for yourself that you can follow.

I know that at the end of each day I am feeling a little more accomplished and feel as though I was very productive for that day!

There are so many things that I want to see happen within my teacher growth and teachepreneur growth that if I don’t get focused, I’m just wasting time, and time right now is the only thing that seems constant.

Each morning I pull out my checklist and remind myself to Get Focused!

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