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Having A POSITIVE Mindset

WOW! There is so much that I can say when it comes to having a positive mindset as a teacher. Often times we find ourselves becoming very discouraged because our students are not learning as quickly as we would like them to,  we have an astronomical amount of demands that are continually being dumped on our plate, or if you are like me, you had a new student join your class 14 days until Christmas, and they speak not one word of English. The list of discouraging things can go on and on.

In order to not fall victim to the negativity that can so easily creep in, I want to challenge myself to continue to learn, ask questions, and to reflect.


The main way that I can make sure I keep a positive mindset is to make sure I as an educator am continually growing and learning in my profession. A great way to continue learning is to attend professional developments and to become more assertive within my school community.


To continue learning and growing one must always ask questions and surround themselves with those who are “smarter than them”. We cannot grow as educators if we think that we know it all. We can be experts By surrounding ourselves with those who have more knowledge that we do in certain areas can really help us to blossom and bloom. I never want to be the smartest person in the room. I want to continue to grow. Asking questions is so important to maintaining a positive mindset.


As an educator I have to continually remind myself to reflect and think about lessons I taught that day, conversations I’ve had with students that week, and interactions I’ve had with coworkers and team members in my building. In order for me to grow and be a better person, I need to make sure that I reflect on these things because I’m not perfect and I have plenty of areas I can improve in. if I have a fixed mindset that I’m right and others are wrong, I’ll never become the teacher that I desire to be.

I am challenging myself to have a POSITIVE mindset. When I am getting discouraged, I am going to force myself to use the word YET! I also challenge you to do the same! Let’s be ‘those teachers’!

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