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How Do I Create My Own E-Learning or Morning Message Slides

How do I create my own e-learning or morning message slides? This is the question that many educators have been asking since being thrown into e-learning. Many of us were trying to figure out how to turn our physical classroom into a virtual classroom.

Some of us are already out of school (whoop whoop), and some of us are quickly approaching the end of the school year. While we are all heading into summer, I thought it would be a great idea to show you How to create your very own e-learning or morning message slides!

I’ve created two YouTube videos to help with the beginning steps of the process!

The first video will show you how to actually create your slide. The second video will show you how to take your slide and put it into Google Classroom.

If you’d like to work along with the video, you will need the following materials: Microsoft powerpoint, clip art and your favorite fonts.

Both of these videos will be a great benefit to us as we head into another school year. We aren’t sure yet if we will be in the classroom or will be doing virtual learning again. Either way, you’ll be able to create your own e-learning or morning message slides for your learning environment.

If you would like to know who my favorite font and clip art artists are, make sure you check out My Favorites blog!

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