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March Morning Message Slides for Google & Power Point!

I don’t know about you but I LOVE using Morning Message Slides in my classroom and with March right around the corner, I decided to create these 5 FREE March Morning Message Slides for Google & Power Point and wanted to share them with you! FOR FREE!

There are many ways you can use these March Morning Message Slides in your classroom. I like to create instructions for my students to read and follow in the morning so that I can greet students as they enter the room, receipt money that’s turned in, read and respond to parent questions or concerns, collect important papers from students, take attendance, and so on… You know how busy the mornings get!

I simply display these slides on our promethean board and students know what they need to do! These slides help me to save time and allow me to not have to repeat morning instructions to students over and over again.

Something I may even try with these slides is to create their morning work and then push it out to students on a schedule within google classroom! Hmmm, my wheels are turning.

I’d love to be able to get these FREE Google March Morning Message Slides for Google and Power Point to you!

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