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Hey Friend! I'm Khrystina, a super passionate educator who thrives off of creating positive learning environments and building strong relationships with students and parents! In doing so, I've worked super hard in creating a Self-Sufficient Classroom. My goal for you, is that you too experience a self-sufficient classroom; One that practically runs itself! Read More

Parent Teacher Conferences

How many times a year do you have to hold Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC’s)? In our district we have to hold them two times a year. This is something totally new for us. I am so used to having them…

Valentine’s Day Bookmarks

I LOVE Valentine’s Day! I especially love celebrating this holiday with my kiddos. One of the things I LOVE giving to my students are these Bitmoji Valentine’s Day Bookmarks! Each year I give them these super cute Bitmoji bookmarks and…
