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Why I Got Rid of the Classroom Reading Log & What I Use Instead

In my classroom, I typically ask students to read 20 minutes per night. I truly believe that reading nightly with a parent or even independent reading helps foster a love of reading within my students.

I used to give students a reading log to complete nightly or weekly BUT found them to be monotonous. If your students are anything like mine, I’m sure you saw a serious lack of engagement, and lost or incomplete reading logs. I was not able to truly see if students were reading nightly or how they were applying concepts that we have been learning in our reading and writing classes to their own independent reading or writing time. The reading logs seemed to squash my students love of reading.


Because of Letter to the Teacher, STUDENTS CAN:

-Share what they are reading with the teacher

-Develop better writing skills

-Make connections between what was taught in class to what they are reading (no matter the book or concept).

-Work on dictionary and thesaurus skills

-Create reading and writing goals

And develop:

a true passion for reading, a love for writing, and a joy for sharing what they are reading!



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